Lying Dice is a Liar's Dice game. The rules are simple:

  • Each player starts the game with 5 dice, hidden from each other;
  • In order, each player make a bet of how many dice of a number is on the table or challenge the previous bet;
  • The bet must be bigger in number of dice and/or in number of the face of the dice (e.g. the previous bet was two dices of three, so the bet must be of two dices of four, three dices of three or three dices of four);
  • When the challenge is called, either the challenger was wrong and loses a dice or the challenger is right and the previous player loses a dice;
  • Then the dice are reshuffled and the bets start again from the lowest numbers;
  • Wins the last player that still has dice on the table.

The present game consists of a single game of Liar's Dice without restart.

Part of Project Lying Dice:

Project Lying Dice is a project where I challenge myself to make increasingly more complex versions of the same basic dice game.

The next version will be in Pygame and will contain some elements of storytelling, more rules to the game, a system of currency and ... a visual dimension.

Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG):


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